We want to help change this reality.
Our vision is a united community of 20 million people, each giving $5 and inviting 3 friends, to provide sustainable access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene education to millions of people in the developing world!
So how are we going to do this?
The idea is simple: become a droplet by donating $5 for clean water. Then, invite 3 friends to do the same: donate $5 and invite 3 more friends.
We're calling this social interaction a wave. What's amazing about this is that if every droplet in the mix follows through and invites 3 friends...we need only 15 waves of friends inviting friends to involve more than 20 million people!
So here's the deal. Go to 3for5.org to get informed about the clean water crisis in the developing world. Then, join us in this important movement to save lives.
Together, we can do this.
Are you in?
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